As a real estate professional, you're always on the lookout for fresh strategies to elevate your sales approach and captivate potential clients. One of the most potent tools at your fingertips is virtual tours. Here are five ingenious ways to harness them and supercharge your business.

1. Conduct Virtual Tours during Property Valuation πŸ“πŸ 

Embarking on a virtual tour during property valuation comes with a host of benefits.

Boost your professional image

‍Arriving on-site fully equipped not only conveys a professional image but also establishes you as a seasoned expert. This reassures sellers of your capability to manage their listing effectively, utilizing all necessary resources to showcase and sell their property swiftly and at the best price.

Ensure a more precise valuation

‍Virtual tours offer a comprehensive view of the property, unlike photos. After the initial visit, you can revisit the entire property, from floor to ceiling, ensuring no detail is missed. This precision helps eliminate potential inaccuracies that may arise when relying solely on photos for valuation.

Sharing the virtual tour with colleagues back at the agency invites fresh perspectives, contributing to a more accurate valuation based on the input and assessment of multiple professionals. This tool encourages collaboration within your agency, further solidifying your position as a professional and offering buyers a realistic valuation based on the opinions of several experts.

In a nutshell, using virtual tours during property valuation offers numerous benefits in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and client experience, making it an indispensable tool for real estate professionals.

2. Integrate Virtual Tours into Property Descriptions πŸ“„πŸ‘

Enhance the client experience

‍Potential buyers often seek more information about properties before visiting them. According to an IFOP study conducted for OptimHome, 85% of buyers want to virtually tour a property before physically visiting it.

By integrating virtual tours into property descriptions, alongside diagnostics, photos, and other relevant details, you offer potential buyers a more immersive and interactive experience. This enables them to form a more precise and realistic impression of the property, helping them visualize it from various angles and better understand its features before scheduling a visit.

The comprehensive property description, including a virtual tour, proves particularly useful after a physical visit. Buying a home or an apartment is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. With a comprehensive property description and a virtual tour, prospects have all the necessary information to review every detail at their own pace and make an informed decision. Additionally, as such decisions are rarely made alone, prospects can easily share the virtual tour with trusted individuals, gathering their opinions and insights.

Optimize time

‍Virtual tours save precious time for potential buyers and real estate agents. People who decide to visit the property in person will be those who have a genuine interest after viewing the virtual tour.

3. Conduct Virtual Tours of Common Areas during Construction πŸ”¨πŸ—οΈ

While virtual tours are typically used to showcase properties for sale, there are numerous other applications to consider.

Virtual tours can be used to document construction work and preserve a record of the state of common areas before and after renovations. This documentation can be valuable in case of disputes or insurance claims and helps keep track of the renovation and construction history within the building.

Allowing owners and tenants to see the condition of common areas before the start of construction work can also help avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. As common areas are shared by multiple individuals, ensuring everyone is aware of upcoming works and any potential disruptions they may cause is crucial.

Virtual tours of common areas during construction offer multiple advantages in terms of communication, planning, monitoring, and documentation. It serves as a valuable tool for property owners, tenants, and professionals involved in renovation and construction projects.

4. Utilize Virtual Tours during Property Inspections πŸ“‹πŸ”

Virtual tours can be highly beneficial for property owners, tenants, and property management professionals, including those involved in inspections.

While virtual tours do not serve as legal evidence, they can enhance property inspection findings by providing visual proof of the property's condition, including existing damages, stains, or scratches, before and after a tenancy. This can help prevent future disputes and potential issues related to security deposits.

Thanks to virtual tours, property inspections can be documented more accurately compared to relying solely on handwritten notes and photographs. This accuracy can help protect the landlord from financial losses caused by tenant damages and, conversely, protect the tenant in case of a dispute.

5. Use Virtual Tours to Create a Portfolio of Your Properties πŸ“˜πŸ˜οΈ

‍Facilitate acquiring listings

‍You can create a virtual tour for each of your listings, even if they are not always published. The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to document all the properties entrusted to you for sale and create a portfolio. This enables you to maintain a record of the cases you have handled. You can share this catalog with future clients or keep it for internal use.

By demonstrating that you have already worked on properties similar to theirs, you can reassure sellers about your ability to successfully sell their property and strengthen their decision to entrust you with the listing.

It also highlights your experience and expertise to prospective sellers, allowing them to feel confident in working with an experienced professional.

Moreover, it communicates that you possess professional equipment for creating high-quality virtual tours to showcase their property, helping you stand out from the competition during listing negotiations.

Obtain Marketing Materials

‍When capturing your virtual tours, you can export the URLs of the most impressive tours and use video editing software to generate easily and quickly shareable content.

You can also provide this portfolio to your marketing agency for formatting and assistance in enhancing your marketing campaigns. This helps attract more potential buyers, expedite property sales, and showcase your agency's expertise. An agency that offers quality content and stands out is more likely to attract prospects and become a reference in the industry.


In conclusion πŸŽ―πŸ†

‍Virtual tours can be a powerful tool for real estate professionals, helping document property conditions, promote your business, and reach a wider market. By utilizing virtual tours creatively, you can enhance your sales strategy and deliver superior service to your clients.

There are numerous other applications for real estate professionals to explore. Follow us to discover more!

